Wednesday 19 December 2012



Salam khamis...cantik kan tarikh hari ni :) saya pun baru perasan, ahaks! lol :) kali ni saya nak story sikit pasal family saya.. but before that i ade siapkan chart hierarchy family saya, ehehe :)

Ni jelah gambar family yang lengkap as for now at teluk batik family day :)

okey..table hijau tu represents my late father's family, and table soft red tu represents my mom's family. saya ade 9 orang siblings. and we all grown up in happy family :) first sis is kak Rubi a.k.a kaklong dah married dgn org perak jugak and as you can see she got 4children, where her first son aged was only differ 7days from me :) thats mean i born first and seven day after that mysis got her first baby named Fikri, now he was further his study at Beijing, China..move on to my 2nd sis is kak Rusma a.k.a kakngah was married and got org perak jgk :) and her first child Nurin tu pernah jadi model for majalah bintang kecil..and then my 3rd sis kak Ruzana a.k.a kaklang was married with johorian person and got two sons. My 4th sis is kak Lela a.k.a kakyang was also been married but with org sungai petani, kedah, and now she pregnant for second child :) for my brother, my only brother that is abg burhanudin a.k.a anjang was also married with org kedah but in baling, kedah not sungai petani,ehehe...and my last sis is kak lina a.k.a kak.........lin :) dah xde nama panggilan for her and now she stay in London with her hubby..after 7 years pass, my mom thought that kak lin was the last daughter (anak bongsu) konon..(cewahh-banyak cantik). but suddenly keluar another chubby daughter (it was me act) -_- For second last son, we call him Zaidi, my little brother as he was studied at uitm permatang pauh and last little sis at uitm seri iskandar, dekat je :) As for now a little bout my see next post  =)



  1. Hey ! I can see my name there *OhMyEnglish* :)
    Heheheh mana ada merapu :> Creative lah aunty I ni ... Hahahah god job Aunty Emma <3 Love youuu

  2. thanks princess ^__^ love u jugak :)
