Wednesday 19 December 2012

myconvocation :)

Salam! :)

Actually my convocation dah lama berlalu, but seems i baru je buat blog ni, so i just wanna share some picture of me and my family at my graduation day :) Convo ni berlangsung di PICC (Putrajaya International Convention Center) pada 30 oct lepas..dah lama kan? ehehe...cume nak share for some people yang xdpt hadir atas sebab2 tertentu especially for my special (MSA) and my sister yg dah stay London tuhh..ehehhee... :) i miss you so muchh.. so below i attach some my picture, enjoy it! smile :)

dari depan sekali: mum, kaklang and her wise sons, me, kakngah & baby sis i :)

sedih :( coz dpt snap pict dgn some of myfriends je, yang lain dah xjumpe, coz ramai sangat orang kan. kanan saya tu nursiah dari sabah baa and my penang frenz fara cassem :) 

1 comment:

  1. You are soo stunning, my dear :) Lawa sangat and congrats ! Sedihnyerss tak dapat datang haritu :'( :'( huhuhuh
